bad cattitude substack. Click to read bad cattitude, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers. bad cattitude substack

 Click to read bad cattitude, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribersbad cattitude substack  they know the mood of the market and that mood is stark: It is fair to say that Substack has had a dramatic week and a half or so, and I talked to their CEO Chris Best about it

that will bear some watching…. 2:16 PM ∙ Nov 8, 2021. bad cattitude yes, the vaccines were supposed to stop covid spread. 830. this has CLEARLY become an epidemic of the. com. )RT @EthicalSkeptic: From 'bad cattitude' on Substack: The left side of this cases-5/1000-normalized chart look familiar? It should to TES folleagues Back then we were dispelling the no-treatment/election tampering panic-mongers. yes, the "experts" told us so. " the pre 2022 STD deviation in this series is 2. how it came to have the oddly religion invoking name of “original antigenic sin” (OAS) is anyone’s guess, but it probably giv…the high viral loads lead to greater contagion. it has completely changed the way we look at a large number of things. boriquagato. it was obvious that this was all a political sham from the jump. way back in april of last year, many of us started to predict mask mandates would emerge as the low energy pathway for politicians. 3,504. RT @HCimiez: “No, N95 masks do not stop covid either” - bad cattitude This well-referenced piece pulls together the clinical evidence that masks don’t affect respiratory virus transmission at all. i fear Z. this is still a somewhat early theory, but it sure looks like quite a precisely shaped piece slotting into a complex gap. bad cattitude is it pandemic season again already? (and i still had my thanksgiving decorations up) is the home for great writing This site requires JavaScript to run. ”Good Housekeeping. 763. teflon tony to step down. Robert Malone—a medical doctor and an infectious-disease researcher—recently suggested that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines might actually make COVID-19 infections worse. it’s a quiet week here at bad cattitude, so it seemed like a good time to play a game. In this 165th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evolutionary lens. I feel like I cheated by using ChatGPT. meet your new kitty godmother. Paul Alexander Nov 13, 2023 4 Share this post EL GATO MALO, bad cattitude is on the money for he warns alike me, that KAREN & KEN are re-emerging. (it also means that the reports on delta CFR in these VoC updates are FAR too low because they are a blend of all cases and deaths back to feb, so they are averaging in the low CFR past and are slow to respond to current. The hint is "80's pop song. that’s what makes claims like this so wonderfully disingenuous: she’s just mistaking. commencement of decline aligns with tight precision to vaxx rollout 9 mo prior we have a priori clinical reason to suspect such an effect and that it is durable. ”. ntesquieu, you know you’re in for a treat…. A full herd of Clydesdales couldn’t drag them back. peter is admitting to having been a naughty boy, to having flouted the GoF ban, and asking for $14 million dollars to do stuff that sounds like the origin story for a zombie apocalypse or a pandemic movie. if you want to see the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of an entire ideology on vivid technicolor display, it’s hard to beat what’s going on r…bad cattitude pfizer safety and efficacy: 6 month study pfizer’s “Six Month Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine” study is out. ”. the bluebird had a forum and a promise to “stand for freedom, empower dialo…this is bad data, possibly by design, it fails to pass any sort of sniff test, got more, not less stinky, and imposing even rudimentary adjustments to it to bring it into alignment with higher quality data strongly inverts the purported signal for booster efficacy, itself an implausible inversion of double dosed outcomes. that said, let’s not forget how oddly timely the G7 pandemic wargame for a hypothetical disease that looked an awful lot like covid was…RT @ltprentice: the conspiracy is not a theory el gato malo Feb 17 perhaps you thought this was a joke. Email. deaths with cancer and covid on the cert look to be being called “covid” to keep the cancer numbers down. many times this is optimistic and all manner of misbehavior goes unexplored and unpunished, but one of those fun codicils of crime and punishment is that more often than one might suspect it is not the crime itself that gets you caught. 3. it carries the somewhat technical and tepid title. scary sounding (but badly misleading) stats were cited. com. covid, a highly seasonal virus, looks to be surging far earlier and more intensely in the northern US this year. this is, unfortunately, pretty much what was predicted here: bad cattitude. they have fallen hardest upon the children. This is a chart from our friend “Bad Cattitude” on substack. it’s been the dream of the club of rome and the cool kids’ table at davos for generations. Sachs is a former special advisor to the UN, the former head of the Millennium Villages Project, and was recently appointed Chair of the newly-formed EAT Lancet Commission on the pandemic. As a reminder, from the (Top) bad cattitude SubStack here: is the UK health regulator disavowing covid vaccine approvals? (substack. Email. the covid vaccines are notorious for generating just the sort of antigenic fixation mediated hoskin’s effect/OAS that causes this. canada moved to shut it down and seize the case through canadian banks. if you read this, you will probably suffer irreparable injury, catch fire, and run off to become a semiotics of gender narratives professor at wesleyan. teflon tony goes to langley? i am old enough to remember when “covid-19 escaped from a lab” was a “conspiracy theory. many have looked at this, myself included, but i wanted to take another shot at quantification here to see if we can get a picture that helps us see what’s coming. this is because the true name of a thing carries very real power both internally and externally. com. but what you are really seeing is 0. sible reason to even put forward such a hypothesis. the US northern states paint a worrying picture of the season to come. (and just to head this off, no, this has nothing to do with me. sweden’s hyper-aggressive counting of covid deaths masks what is one of. señor “choo-choo” would seem to be just another wizard of woo-woo proclaiming his own (false) eminence and seeking to avoid criticism from any not anointed by the clerisy over which he presided. “They had at least three injections. and what a priesthood it was. adjective. even assuming they every worked as claimed (dubious) these vaccines were always going to fail because that’s what leaky vaccines do. is this becoming vaccine fixation syndrome? 2. Copy link. it’s the cover up. birx had a tough day in congress "hope" is no basis for health mandates or treatment policy. i do not know who neville is and the fact that his pinned tweet graphic is so similar to what mine used to be is just one of those funny coincidences. watch as many start to stand up to the hideous regimes of pseudoscientific imposition and suppression that have been imposed u…if "unvaccinated" were a drug to stop covid spread, you could probably get it FDA approved - by el gato malo - bad cattitude. bad cattitude. Email. Illustration by Ard Su. the policy crisis no one made truly success has 1000 fathers, but failure is an orphan. RT @pelinatilgan: leaky vaccines, super-spreads, and variant acceleration - by el gato malo - bad cattitude ⁦@HBalikavlayan⁩ ⁦@aslanamca2021⁩. pfizer is just about if not the most fined and sued pharma company in the world for a reason and the reason is “their behavior. He chuckled as he. some. See new Tweets. 8, 2022. The last few sentences were inspiring. Email. Click to read Post-Woke, by Mickey Z. May 23, 2022. Click to read bad cattitude, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers. pfizer says their covid vaccine works in kids 5 to 11. it’s a quiet week here at bad cattitude, so it seemed like a good time to play a game. this is still a somewhat early theory, but it sure looks like quite a precisely shaped piece slotting into a complex gap. Email. spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured,. the values seem distributed in a bell curve. Substack cofounders Jairaj Sethi, Chris Best, and Hamish McKenzie in their San Francisco offices on March 16, 2022. this has long been a criticism and a complaint about the shortness of the drug trials on which their approval was based and the elimination of their control groups to prevent long term study. does it? - by el gato malo - bad cattitude it looks like mr eric is maybe going to get some help on new york crime! see, what’s weird is that when i entered this into microsoft, i got…put simply: this is not good. The company announced a new feature called Substack Notes, which looks. thanks to all of you for your support. Home. when i link mine, engagement plummets. el gato malo. bad cattitude the french are correct to stop using moderna on anyone under 30. the covid infection rates among the vaccinated now exceed the unvaxxed in every age group over 30. this is an entirely politically made problem. All legislators voting for laws found unconstitutional upon judicial review are subject to civil and criminal liability for attempted violation of civil liberties . bad cattitude. Share. but even at 200-400% elevation instead of 700-1400%, that’s still very, very bad. “Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,” Jerris told Channel 13 News. the “carbon scoring” they use for ESG measures and lease prices is invented from whole cloth. 45. covid is getting called the primary cause, not late stage cancers and it’s obvious that huge numbers of cancer patients in hospitals would pick up trace or even real covid as chemotherapy ravages their immune systems. As a journalism scholar, I believe Substack’s subscription-based plan is, in fact, closer to the model of journalism that preceded the penny papers. Other. gatopal, eugyppius; issue we argued is simple, the COVID vaxx damages innate/adaptive immunity, drives enhanced infection in vaxxed; see the Germany, UK, and Israel cases as of today; BA. this broken philosophy of self-ennoblement and plunder praxis has infected academia root and stem. Share. she’d like to speak to you about censorship: 95. they sounded like the vacuous politicians that so many of them were. a story of how that which we revered was evil and misguided and we are bad and of how we must deny and dismantle ourselves in atonement. Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs. let’s be VERY clear: yes, they were promised to stop spread, contagion, and provide herd immunity. Yaakov Jerris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward, the situation is completely opposite. substack. you miss stuff and then, once you see it, say “a… but even with this, the results look BAD. many of these modeling and distortion tactics were learned or adopted from the climate science gang. Michael Jackson is committing a true act of love for his daughter. , a Substack publication. is this becoming vaccine fixation syndrome?19 Jun 2021bad cattitude variant specific boosters fail to elicit variant specific response THIS is a very interesting paper written by a bewilderingly large number of authors (66 in total), many from NIH and NIAID. stay for the toxoplasmosis. 751. all vaccines do is train your immune system to recognize a pathogen and learn a response to prevent it from infecting you. If these claims are true, we should expect even fewer deaths than expected above due to significantly lower COVID deaths and insignificant vaccine deaths. bad cattitude CG enrichment in covid vaccine mRNA the other day, i wrote about the manner in which mRNA vaccines look to be suppressing not only innate immune function, but also the mechanisms by which pathogens and cancers are detected. Subscribe. odd as it may seem, many students who ran up $100k in debt to get degrees in the sociological semiotics of applied entitlement then got $12k in large scale tattoos are struggling to find zero carbon, anti-oppression work from home in your jam-jams careers that can both generate income sufficient to repay their loans and provide enough validation of. substack. com covid is becoming increasingly vaccine enabled each iteration of variant is posing greater infection risk to the vaccinated relative to the unvaxxed. they key plank in this claim was always “your mask. many of them may be answered there. bad cattitude. Original Antigenic Sin is a Real and Very Serious Reason to Stop Vaccinating Everyone. the AGW gang has been riddled with wild, unsubstantiated claims, data adulteration, bad methods, passing. bad cattitude i see we have now reached the "cover up" stage of the vaccination campaign there is a point where even loquacious internet cats start running out of snark. gatopal, eugyppius;. Retweets. our universities are putrefying and the folks who run them becoming ever more absurd. el gato malo. bad cattitude yes, the vaccines were supposed to stop covid spread. world bad. ” to my own embarrassment, i initially suspected this was correct because using coronaviruses as a base for a. add in the health system costs and you’re likely pushing $80 trillion. taking back the controls (bad cattitude, Substack) Nihilism – “Amid rising inequality and the climate crisis, the view that life is meaningless is gaining traction. Archive. come for the cat. , a Substack publication. So, Michael if you are reading this there is a place in Washington State just north of the old mining town of Molson where a US forest service road comes within 75 meters of a accessible road in British Columbia. bad cattitude your mask protects me way back in april of last year, many of us started to predict mask mandates would emerge as the low energy pathway for politicians. open AI with its wildly successful “chat-GPT” AI tool has always. yes, those promises were made by the same “experts” currently claiming “vaccines were never supposed to stop spread, just reduce severity. See new Tweets. given the near total lack of coverage in the US, you might have missed the fact that france recently revoked the recommendation for using moderna on people under 30. prolonged exposure likely to give you toxoplasmosis. to call that “unpayable” is an act of extreme charity. ” Fox News @FoxNews Would we rather due process come before the crime, or after the mass shooting of school children?:boriquagato. “we went to 1,000 to 10,000X and did not tell you. Some guests are well. and now we must move beyond them. bad cattitude. 9% + $. you cannot dictate such a grand bargain from the top, it. it has been from mental illness (and this illness has long been spreading)RT @SandpiperFax: Good read ⁦@eugyppius1⁩ peter daszak: supervillain origin story - bad cattitude is just dirty political water being carried for the northeast who is rapidly heading into a winter that will likely wind up as bad as last year. (or give back any powers) The renewal would occur as HHS plans to shift costs of Covid-19 vaccines and treatments to the commercial market, a process beginning this fall that is expected to take months. yes, those promises were made by t… Substack today has somewhere north of 500,000 paid subscribers, which represents a meteoric growth rate but is still just a fraction of, say, the New York Times’ 7. Other. this is not how you flip a straight ticket from one. Click to read bad cattitude, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers. ”. there was no new information to adapt to. bad cattitude bending the first amendment past breaking Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or. while, obviously, this is a power that could easily be abused and that certainly has been in the past (as well as selectively applied for partisan purpose) i think one would struggle to claim that this was anything other than a straight down the middle, neutral addition that made it clear the. Click to read bad cattitude, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers. this is what happens when you try to substitute the judgement of half smart politically captured bureaucrats. Mevrex went through the DMCA takedown service, DMCA. 9% of your billing rate, plus 30 cents per transaction. 66) or $50 a year for access to their. this is weapons grade stupidity and an object lesson in the fact that there is no situation so bad that a determined government cannot make it worse. state sponsored extortion of media as policy and praxisAs mentioned, several commenters had alerted me to a post on a very popular Substack called “Bad Cattitude. the rate is about 2. Haley Nahman was having a weird time. ever. This week we discuss mis-, dis-, and mal- information, and terrorism, in light of testimony before Congress regarding the Twi…In exchange for guaranteeing Yglesias a base salary of $250,000, Substack reportedly required him to let the platform collect 85 percent of the gross subscription revenue his newsletter generated. all the data since has validated that fact. when a self taught system played GO, a notably difficul…this is what the reputation economy must supplant. Share. the cat had opinions and ideas. as ever, i'd be grateful if you'd read the substack before asking questions. 691. Musk denied the. substack. 498. 600 shots. RT @DonaldWelsh16: Bad cattitude is back with a blistering and satirical takedown of the technocratic elite. Some journalists believed this is what their audience wanted to hear 3. as one would expect from a study funded by the drug designer and. there’s zero money in it. g withdrawal of critical health services & appalling issues with masks being essential in hospital). It's been interesting to see. bad cattitude peter daszak: supervillain origin story there are a million stories in the naked city, but perhaps the story that really ought to be keeping you up at night is the story of the (increasingly ironically named) ecohealth alliance (EHA) and i…RT @thewriterme: sweden wins again - by el gato malo - bad cattitude 16 Oct 2021this has ALWAYS been the plan. Notes. Share this post. Truth bomb double speak of the Left your papers please - bad cattitude says he has around 9,800 paying subscribers, which might generate around $860,000 a year. all the information i have so far, which is far from complete but is only going to get juicer as more data is dumped in legal discovery, points to large scale deliberate and premeditated pfraud in the pfizer trial. it’s the perfect in-group tribal signal of aristocratic superiority and a dogmatic dismissal of the idea of debate or contested science. 61. ” people try to spin this as “being respectful of the needs of others” and “just be considerate, just be kind” but it’s not. in the swarm-sourced research world, you never get to do all the smart things. the northern states are already FAR worse. Substack is a natural fit for the influencer, the pundit, the personality, and the political contrarian. <p>On The DarkHorse Podcast, we will explore questions that matter, with tools that work. 45. mandates would enable them to look like they had done something and to demand and enforce social virtue with highly visible in-group/out-group markers. the current (2022) median annual FICA payment is $6,193. Glad you’re staying on Substack. el gato malo. you like to pretend that you don't like bad cats, but deep down, you know you do. Even I was surprised to see that. where Mickey Z. i got some questions based on a comment in the progress is environmentalism piece from monday about cold killing far more people than heat. it carries the somewhat technical and tepid title. it’s as addictive. watching the educational totalitarians claim your children as their own - by el gato malo - bad cattitude. all in all, this is a pretty massive canary to see drop dead in your coal mine and warrants immediate and serious work. i remain optimistic, but there is just no real way to know how this plays out. delta is rapidly approaching alpha (1. Aug 28, 2023. Other. a story where they are the heroes. and thanks to all those that are rapidly turning the comments section here into a lively forum for debate and a source of useful information, perspective, and ESPECIALLY peer review to keep me honest and on track. Conversationfailing to learn from history and letting the same charlatans force you to repeat itAfter Substack’s 10% fee and Stripe’s credit card fee of 2. It took the vaccine uptake in Sweden and shorten the curve 9 months (the duration of pregnancy) and plots birth rate. not for the faint of heart. . because if you report a vaccine adverse event (AE) you get in trouble. If a new tweet. i cross posted to substack commenter "art" "Laws must undergo judicial review before their effective date. one of the reasons corrupt governments love war so much is that it’s an all access excuse to do the unthinkable. well, the test keeps coming and so far, this looks like we’re seeing the signs of vaccine driven evolution driving covid to variants that are advantaged in the vaxxed and boosted and this is becoming an issue of severity on top of just spread. bad cattitude. com. this has been obvious for over a year and i and many others have laid out graph upon graph proving it. ” as you do, think about how anger and accusation of marginalization can. com. regulators asleep at the switch and regulating the last crisis (which quite possibly causes the new one), opaque banks holding teetering piles of god knows what, implausible accounting rules that lead to sub-optimal or outright. it’s a non-profit (with a for-profit entity inside) running perhaps the most powerful and profit potentiality possessing. Substack charges 10%, and Stripe charges 2. "let's use the army to put innocent people in camps!" said no non-horrific government. The list also made appearances on questionable websites like this blog and a now-deleted Reddit thread that originated on Jan. So obvious in retrospect. substack is a partner, not an adversary. these are all the same people who now endlessly hector, force, intimidate, moralize, and mandate covid vaccines telling you how they would never take them because they do not trust the process, the drug companies, donald trump, or the federal government. to call that “unpayable” is an act of extreme charity. com. About. ical medicine president peter hotez has been a one man misinformation machine. that’s bad. eyes are likely badly glazed again, so let’s unpack: PRPc is cellular prion protein common in mammals. Illustration: Alex Castro / The Verge. RT @DowdEdward: german vaccine side effects data - bad cattitude 28 Feb 2022they ran as hecklers. SubStack uses Stripe for payment processing, and Stripe itself charges you an additional 2. . even the boards that certify doctors have been threatening licenses for telling “unapproved vaccine narratives”. Notes. Browse channelsGeert Vanden Bosche said this, Mike Yeadon said this, I, Dr. Click to read Post-Woke, by Mickey Z. boriquagato. Other. 1%) in terms of CFR whereas it used to be 90% lower. Nov 19, 2022. Danny Lavery had just agreed to a two-year, $430,000 contract with the newsletter platform Substack when I met him for coffee last week in Brooklyn, and he was deciding what to do with the money. also note that this study says nothing about whether vaccines keep you out of the hospital in the first place, itself still a debated issue. @boriquagato. the drug companies that made them knew it. i think the mask-querade really came down to one potent messaging mantra repeated endlessly until it broke brains and shunted aside critical faculties thereby becoming endlessly integrated into medical mythology: “your mask protects me. bad cattitude. boriquagato. she’d like to speak to you about censorship: 95. This is an anonymous Substack so we don’t know the true identity of this fellow. AI is about to get MUCH more interesting. the vaccines are already falling apart in terms of efficacy because mRNA vaccines against a spike protein were and remain a BAD idea. Perhaps Fauci and the jabs were inevitable in one form or the other and it's time that the dumb, who are have genetics that make them immediately trusting of centralized authority, need to leave the island. "leaky vaccines, super-spreads, and variant acceleration – by el gato malo – bad cattitude Posted on August 18, 2021 by swdevperestroika imperfect vaccines can make a virus more prevalent and more deadly. Lisa Parsons. 2 years ago · 300 likes · 169 comments · el gato malo. A real call to arms and a great chuckle. Subscribe. I feel like I cheated by using ChatGPT. the policy crisis no one made. is “you do not own your kids” a sort of specious framing to use a statement that is literally true in a pedantic sense to support an specific agenda beneath it that it does not describe in accurate terms but rather seeks to pass off. undo this. the efficacy of masks has been much discussed and debated as they went from “not recommended or effective vs respiratory viruses” in early 2020 and in prior years to a “must have social mandate” as c…. bad cattitude homogenizing herd level antigenic fixation antigenic fixation is a well studied issue, especially around influenza. Click to read bad cattitude, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers. it’s fiscal armageddon, especially once higher rates bite and persist as deficits explode and start eating 5% of GDP to service. The Starter plan starts at $9 a month for up to 500 subscribers, which works out to $108 annually. there’s zero money in it. So obvious in retrospect. the WEF's "believers" - bad cattitude 20 Jan 2022Bob Moran is a complete legend and the Daily Telegraph are idiotic cowards for firing him. the answer is always “roll up your sleeves, get dirty, touch stuff, make things, explore, find, interact tangibly. S. 5 million. fauci laughs the question off and dismisses “inherent non-believers who no matter what you say give you a real problem…”. Bad Cattitude on fire… 13 Nov 2021in my view, this is pernicious nonsense that, even if well intentioned, is going to make the problem worse and run us yet further in a really bad direction. AI reboot: control-altman-delete. bad cattitude. I just subscribed to bad cattitude 07 Nov 2021Bad cattitude has recently done a super job taking on this topic using data emerging out of Ontario and calling them out for downplaying the severity of the situation. At the risk of annoying everyone, extended school closures happened because: 1. you like to pretend that you don't like bad cats, but deep down, you know you do. com) The MHRA is the UK medicines and healthcare regulatory agency – it supervises and regulates ALL medical and healthcare products - unless an unqualified politician says otherwise (Matt Hancock). he sits on the covid 19. Read more. meanpool virtue test the test is simple: laugh, and you go to hell(a caveat: some seasonal variability (like early summers) may account for some of this yoy rise just based on comps to very low prior season so as we start to compare vs summer peak from last year, the % will likely (and hopefully) drop. " it's "let's stop pseudoscientific. this piece a… ‎Show Bret Weinstein | DarkHorse Podcast, Ep #165 Skepticism ≠ Terrorism (Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying DarkHorse Livestream) - Mar 11, 2023 The latest Gabs from el gato malo (@boriquagato). that means you need 4. MA, CT, RI, NY look to be playing rapid catchup. (of course, they then changed the definition of “vaccine” as. Substack takes 10% of subscription earnings and payment company Stripe takes a further 3% with writers taking the rest. Copy link. bad cattitude to add paid option read on, it may not be what you think. 675. happy hallo-meme! boriquagato. RT @EthicalSkeptic: From 'bad cattitude' on Substack: The left side of this cases-5/1000-normalized chart look familiar? It should to TES folleagues Back then we were dispelling the no-treatment/election tampering panic-mongers. boriquagato. 5 problem!and the newfound lack of trust is really showing up in spades. Variable cloud and clear spells towards. once upon a time, on an internet not so very far away, there was a cat who met a bluebird. Had he not taken the Substack payment, he would keep 90 percent of that, or $775,000, but under. this is not "adapting to new reality. Share this post. boriquagato. Copy link. sunday memepool - by el gato malo - bad cattitude. Share this post. properly naming yourself and your needs and foibles is the cornerstone of personal health. it is said that the mill of justice grinds slowly but that in the end, it grinds fine. reasonable people have been losing the fight for control of the language badly. that’s bad. That's a discount over Substack if you're pulling in more than $1,080 a year. but that does not make it any less true or any less effective. My prompt was: Please help me solve a puzzle. vermont just saw hospitalizations among over 70’s exceed the winter peak and make an all time high. Read more. Some in society believed it was a price worth paying 2. On the long list of. Email. stay for the toxoplasmosis. That is what the parentheses mean! Signs are not the same as numbers, though, and according to a story from The Information this morning, the numbers are rough. this is not about some public good or amorphous aggregation fallacy. Share this post. el gato malo. Conversationthe discovery by brave fellow feline kevin mckernan (who actually did what should have been done right from the start and went out and gene sequenced the pfizer covid vaccines) that the vaccines were wildly impure, low integrity, and contained not only copious amounts of contaminants, but actual active compounds like plasmids that were,. el gato malo. let’s be VERY clear: yes, they were promised to stop spread, contagion, and provide herd immunity. SubStack uses Stripe for payment processing, and Stripe itself charges you an additional 2. 16. of or involving right angles; at right angles. newspapers were. getting into the bunker will greatly reduce your risk of being shot. bad cattitude. the regulatory agencies that approved them. this sort of comment campaign really does work and overwhelming response rates are how we stop bad ideas like this from becoming reality. So, for every $5 per month, you'll pay Stripe $0. Other. Substack has responded with two posts of its own. This next Substack fellow goes by the handle Boriquagato and his Substack is called bad cattitude. No one wears masks. the inoculant was given over and over as regular doses. the same goes for enraged people. nothing changed. That's a discount over Substack if you're pulling in more than $1,080 a year. #TheThursdayThink”61 1 Share bad cattitude teflon tony goes to langley? i am old enough to remember when “covid-19 escaped from a lab” was a “conspiracy theory. yes, the "experts" told us so. RT @EthicalSkeptic: From 'bad cattitude' on Substack: The left side of this cases-5/1000-normalized chart look familiar? It should to TES folleagues Back then we were dispelling the no-treatment/election tampering panic-mongers. it’s a bad design and was never going to plausibly provide durable sterilizing immunity. Their non-resistance will doom the rest of us. i’m just making some base assumptions and trying to predict future outcomes b…fun fact: not even the media can tell when the media is joking anymore - by el gato malo - bad cattitude. 4 trillion. 2 years ago · 477 likes · 235 comments · el gato malo. Subscribe. but muzzling their kids, subjecting them to alienation, indoctrination, and depriving them of education and then turning around and seeking to brand these parents as literal domestic terrorists when.